@GregDI was surprised by the bathroom, I thought there were two. I can't wait to try it though. This side room off the dining room makes a perfect second bathroom, even for a half bathroom. Hoping that after a redesign, they make the change! It's a stunning cabin, that's for sure.
@smokeybanditA right? She will be living at home while studying at St. Leo University so she can work while going through college. I've done it and I think it teaches lessons that really can't be taught in a classroom. We told her that college was only possible if she pursued something in which she could land a profession. I'm not paying to become a barista in college. We don't need the university for that.
It's funny, the other day she needed something specific for her hair, she asked who paid, she works so I told her of course! She bought the exact product and fled the store. IF I paid, it would have been worth a basket! She learns quickly!!
@Lovetocruise2002So similar, our prom was on May 8th, right in the middle of final exams. She has never participated in this type of event, rather introverted. Well she was going with a “group of friends”, see below, did you notice anything? Damn, as if I was born yesterday!!! She wore a burgundy colored dress! Kids think we're not smart, dammit!
*faces hidden because I don't want to put the other kids on the internet, they're all 17 and I'm just not comfortable doing that.