Be sure to vote in the poll below; but first, let's look at the artistic designs themselves.
Europe / North America
The cover for the Western market is this “classic” Zelda composition consisting of a simple gold background with a single ornate object in the center. Rather than a shield featured in the original game, this time we have a sword (and it's a shame we've never had a Zelda game that just shows Link's green hat on the cover, tbh) as well just a basic but appropriate logo. There's also a nifty shield-shaped cutout through which you can spy the NES's golden cart. So cool!
The Japanese box art consists of a piece of art that will no doubt be quite recognizable to many Zelda fans. It's a beautiful piece, and we love the bold, impactful lettering that sits above, slightly overlapping the top of the image. It may lack the cool cutout of the Western variant as well as the iconic gold background, but it's a pretty sweet approach nonetheless.
Thanks for voting! We'll see you next time for another game of Box Art Brawl.